COMING EVENT: Egg Decorating Workshop for Children (Atelier de Incondeiat Oua pentru Copii) – April 9

EggDecoratingMAY07Saturday, April 9, 2016
1:00 – 4:00 PM

We invite our children (8 years old and older) to a traditional Easter Egg Decorating Workshop instructed by Mrs. Mary Patyna.  The children will have the opportunity to learn this old art and to work with a stylus, beeswax and dyes.  We encourage the parents of the younger children to join them and offer their help.  All supplies, pizza and refreshments will be provided.

Sambata, 9 Aprilie 2016
1:00 – 4:00 PM

Eggs1Ii invitam pe copii parohiei (de la 8 ani in sus) sa participe la un atelier de incondeiat oua de Pasti, sub indrumarea dnei. Mary Patyna.  Copiii vor avea ocazia sa invete aceasta arta straveche si sa lucreze cu instrumente specific (chisite) si ceara de albine.  Parintii copiilor mai mici sunt incurajati sa ramana pentru a-i ajuta pe acestia.  Pizza si racoritoare vor fi servite.

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