Help Sts. Peter & Paul with Kroger Community Rewards


After registering your Plus Card, Kroger will donate to our church a portion of the money you spend each time you shop.  (A donation from Kroger will be sent to the church every 3 months reflecting the rewards earned that quarter.)  There is no extra cost to you, and it does not affect Fuel Points.  Anyone can sign up!

To sign-up and start helping our church today, just do the following…

  1. Go to
  2. Create an online account (or Login to your existing account > skip to #5)
  3. Enter your email, name, desired password, preferred store, select communication preferences, and click on “Create Account” (be sure to write down and keep your password in a safe place)
  4. Link a Kroger Plus Card to your account by entering your Plus Card number or Phone Number (Alt ID) and Last Name
  5. Scroll down to “Community Rewards” near the bottom of your profile page and click “Enroll”
  6. Enter your Name, Address & Phone
  7. Under “Find your Organization” type our Church’s number 72953 and click “Search”
  8. Sts. Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church will appear.  Click the button to the left of the church’s name to select it (it will turn orange when selected)
  9. Click “Enroll” and then Log Out of your profile

After one year, Kroger will ask you to re-confirm your Rewards selection.  Simply renew Sts. Peter & Paul as your choice to continue helping us.

Thank you for your support!

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