Adult Religious Education discussions are offered in the English and Romanian languages at various times throughout the year, as either individual presentations or a series over several weeks. They are open to any adults wanting to know more about the Orthodox Christian Faith. The discussions usually focus on a variety of themes including Sacraments, Scripture, Liturgy, Saints, etc. Visitors are always welcome!
March 25
- Feast of the Annunciation/Buna Vestire (Divine Liturgy 10:30am)-
March 28-29
- Spring Garage Sale [more info]-
April 5
- Kids Club Activity-
April 13 - Palm Sunday
- Fish Dinner [more info]-
April 17 - Holy Thursday
- Divine Liturgy w/ Blessing of Bread & Wine
- Reading of the 12 Gospels-
April 18 - Holy Friday
- Vespers w/ the Laying in the Tomb of the Lord
- Lamentations / Prohodul Domnului-
April 19 - Holy Saturday
- Resurrection Matins (11:55pm)-
April 20 - Easter Sunday
- Great Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord (Liturgy 10:30am)-
May 10
- Kids Club Activity-
May 18
- Family Day Dinner
- End of Sunday School Year-
June 7
- Romanian American Heritage Festival-
June 29
- Patron Saints Dinner (Hramul Bisericii)