Saints of the Kiev Caves Monastery


SEPTEMBER 28  (Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Near Caves)
AUGUST 28  (Synaxis of the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Far Caves)
2nd SUNDAY OF GREAT LENT  (Synaxis of all the Monastic Fathers of the Kiev Caves)


On the banks of the Dniepro River (also called “Slavutych”) in Kiev, the Capital of Ukraine, is the famous Monastery of the Caves in which repose the relics of many Venerable Saints. They are divided into the “Near Caves” of St. Anthony and the “Far Caves” of St. Theodosius, the two founders of the monastic community.

The Saints of the Kiev Caves Monastery form the largest urban Choir of Saints anywhere in the world today. They are the Patrons of Kiev, Ukraine and the Eastern Slavic Churches.

The Saints of the Near Caves are honored on September 28, and the Saints of the Far Caves on August 28.   They also have a common Feast on the Second Sunday of Great Lent and are honored along with all Saints of Ukraine on the Second Sunday after Pentecost.

The names of all the Saints of the Kiev Caves Monastery are far from known, as Metropolitan Ohienko wrote in his books on Ukrainian Saints. As the service to them states:

“The praises to all those, whomever are Your Saints, O Blessed One, recon them multiplied more than the very sands. But Yourself, O Master Christ, having counted out the stars and named all named, grant them our prayers…”

In addition to the incorrupt remains of dozens of saints, there are also 61 myrrh-bearing heads of unknown Saints buried with the Fathers of the Caves.

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