It is said that the women truly are the backbone of the parish. Since their founding in 1933, their role has evolved just as the role of women in society has changed. They have gone from working in the kitchen to also working on the council, organizing events & fundraisers and taking a more active role in the life of the parish. All women who are members of the parish are strongly encouraged to take part in this organization. The local auxiliary is also a part of the national ladies auxiliary of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate, A.R.F.O.R.A.
2025-2026 OFFICERS
President – Cristina Irimie
Vice President – Psa. Mihaela Balanean
Secretary – Mihaela Williams
Treasurer – Sidonia Nistor
Auditors – Florina Boyle, Juliana Lupascu, Psa. Mary Ellen Rosco
A.R.F.O.R.A. Congress Delegates – Nina Duma, Flori Hociota
A.R.F.O.R.A. Congress Alternates – Silvia Costea, Anna Devine