Be On Time for Worship!

From the Parish PriestFr. Romey Rosco

For some strange reason, many of us have the deplorable habit of coming late to worship on Sundays.  There was a time (not long ago) when choir members and other parishioners were determined to make it on time to church.  Now, we seem determined to “get there when we’re ready” rather than “get ready to get there.”

This is an insult to God.  We are His community, His family.  Therefore, we should worship Him, not as individuals, each on his or her own schedule, but together, ready to sing His praises with thanksgiving.

Secondly, it is disrespectful.  It indicates in some instances that God is not as important as sleep, breakfast, an early morning sports event, etc.

Thirdly, it is disturbing.  Just imagine if you were hosting a big dinner to begin at a certain time and the guests came trickling in throughout the dinner after it had begun, disturbing those already there to find a seat at the table.  Late-comers always disturb the prayerful attention of the priest, choir and congregation.

Old habits die hard.  But it is a new year and all it takes is determination.  If you are guilty, realize that it is an offense to God.  Only on rare occasion can it “not be helped.”

Otherwise, let’s all try to be in church on time.  That’s 9:45 for Sunday School and 10:30 for the Divine Liturgy.

From The Weekly Bulletin, Vol. XXXV No. 2, 13 January 2008
Sts. Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church, Dearborn Heights MI

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