Hristos A Inviat! Christ is Risen! — Celebrating Christ’s Resurrection


The greatest of Christian Feasts, Holy Pascha (Easter) was celebrated by the Orthodox Church this year on Sunday, May 1.  Following the solemn and moving services of Holy Week, hundreds of faithful came out in the pouring rain to fill the church and share in the joy of Christ’s Resurrection.

We offer a photo gallery of the events of Holy Week and Pascha 2016 below…

Holy Wednesday
Holy Unction  |  Sf. Maslu de Obște

Holy Thursday
Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great w/ Blessing of “Paști”  |  Sfânta Liturghie a lui Sf. Vasile cel Mare cu Binecuvântarea “Paștilor”

Passion Service w/ 12 Gospel Readings  |  Denie cu cititea celor 12 Evanghelii

Holy Friday
Vespers w/ Placing in the Tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ  |  Vecernia cu Punerea în Mormânt a Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos

Lamentations at the Tomb  |  Prohodul Domnului

Holy Pascha (Easter Sunday)
Resurrection Matins w/ Blessing of Paschal Baskets  |  Utrenia Invierii și Binecuvântarea Coșuletelor de Paști

Resurrection Divine Liturgy & Easter Social  |  Sfânta Liturghie a Invierii și Socială de Paști

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