Celebrating Our Families & Sunday School

On Sunday, May 19 our parish family gathered once again for our annual Family Day Dinner, celebrating both Mothers Day and Fathers Day and marking the end of the 2018-2019 Sunday School year.

After enjoying another delicious meal together, Fr. Horatiu welcomed everyone and thanked those involved with the education of our children for all that they do in this important ministry.  Sunday School Director Psa. Mary Ellen Rosco offered a word of encouragement to the parents and adults present, and then presented certificates and a gift of an Orthodox Prayer Book to the students and teachers in recognition of their dedication and participation.  Fr. Horatiu concluded the presentations by thanking the altar boys and sacristans, offering each a token of thanks (including a small gift from the Men’s Club).

As has become our tradition, in addition to all ladies in attendance receiving flowers from the Youth Group and all men receiving a small gift from the Ladies Auxiliary, special flower arrangements were awarded to the oldest mother in attendance and mother with the youngest child in attendance.

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