“Leave Me Alone!”

From the Parish PriestFr. Romey Rosco

What do you think of the Church?  Are you under the impression that because the Church needs your help it is constantly trying to get you into it for its own selfish reasons?  Do you judge the Church to be an “institution” that is merely one of many human institutions that contribute to the social welfare?  Do you perhaps feel that the Church is composed of people who have nothing else to do but “go to church and cook dinners or do whatever else they’re asked to do”?  Do you think someone has to be a little abnormal to be interested in his church?  Just what do you think of the Church?

You need the Church.  The Church was established by God Himself (not man) and He made it the custodian of His heavenly treasures.  Ignore the Church and you do it at the risk of your own soul’s salvation.

God has no other plan for man than to save your mortal soul.  And through the Church, He calls us to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.  Through the Church, He elevates the Cross of His crucified Son so that those who look upon Him in faith may be saved.

Through the Church, He offers the solutions to life’s problems.  Through the Church, He grants consolation to those in sorrow, hope to the faint-hearted, strength to the weak, and eternal life to the dying.

If you don’t know the Church because of your staying-away from it, if your mind is full of misconceptions regarding its purpose and teachings, come and find out what it’s really about.

The Church wants you, not because it needs you, but because you need the Church and the message it preaches.  It proclaims the Way to salvation – the Way that Jesus commanded His Church to proclaim it – for YOUR benefit!!!

From The Weekly Bulletin, Vol. XXXIII No. 42, 8 October 2006
Sts. Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church, Dearborn Heights MI

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