Your Church and You

From the Parish PriestFr. Romey Rosco

Long before you were born, your Church was at work making possible a richer, happier life for you.  Your Church was planting seeds of truth and justice and good will in human hearts, fighting back the hate and selfishness of the world, calling men to love and serve Christ in the face of evil governments and oppression.  Your Church has sustained your ancestors, wherever they have lived in the world, be it Europe, Russia, Africa, Asia, South or North America.

Your Church gave them (and you) the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Sacraments, the Holy Bible, the writings of the Holy Fathers and the living examples of the saints, bringing us all to the knowledge and love of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Your Church wants to serve you today. It calls you to draw near to God in worship, according to His Will.  It calls you to fellowship with one another, so that we may multiply our strength for doing good.

Your Church wants to help you keep this Holy Faith with you always, to minister to you in sickness and trouble and sorrow, to bless your home, making it a holy dwelling place for you and your family.  And when your burdens are heavy and temptations are great, your Church wants to bring you back to God and hold you close.  And when you have said your last farewell on earth, your Church wants to prayerfully commit your body to the earth from which it came, your soul to the Resurrected Christ, to honor your memory and comfort your family.  We all need the Church.

But your Church needs you, too!  When you become indifferent and thoughtless, when your heart grows cold, or your life is wasted and lost to God, your Church is weakened.

But when you do your part to make your Church the vibrant force for good that it is meant to be, you are rendering a high and holy service to both God and fellow man.  BE TRUE TO YOUR CHURCH! IT IS DOING CHRIST’S WORK FOR YOUR OWN SALVATION!

From The Weekly Bulletin, Vol. XXXVIII No. 26, 26 June 2011
Sts. Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church, Dearborn Heights MI

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